• Life in Ease
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  • 💆🏻‍♂️ So... what is a life at ease?

💆🏻‍♂️ So... what is a life at ease?

The first newsletter of many.

Glad to see you’re reading this! My name is Dave Arquiza, a twenty-something year old who’s on a journey to living a life in ease, from travel, exploring careers, motivations - all while focused on self-growth & carving the path I want to live. 

Bit of background about me, I used to write a lot of captions on Instagram & thought I’d start a newsletter to ponder about the journey & beauties of life. I found it fulfilling to see others become motivated through my words, so here we are.

So… how do these newsletters work? They’ll be short & sweet, every Monday, consisting of 3 sections:

  1. Words of the Week - An image with words, all focused on self-growth & life.

  2. Some learnings & thoughts - Something I learned that week that I think could be helpful to others. Could be another quote, something I read in a book, or whatever I find on the internet.

  3. Question for You - A question related to the weeks words & learnings - hoping for you to take the time to reflect & ponder.

Words of the Week đź’«

I named this newsletter, Life in Ease, as I think it’s a beautiful way of living life.

“Living at ease” could be totally interpreted in many ways. As it should. To me, it’s about living a life of comfort, of being present and happy with where you are today. A so called, “soft life”, filled with community, purpose, love & peace. A life where there’s a balance with everything; where it simply feels right - not only with your internal self but with the world around you. Where everything feels as if the world is with you and not against you.

I think it’s a great ambition to strive to live this life in ease. Yet it’s easier said than done & I too am unsure what the blueprint is to living this life. Because in my opinion, there isn’t a blueprint, there is no tried & true method to live a peaceful life. It’s all unique to each and everyone of you.

Only you can decide what you want in life & only you can control the outcome. I’m only writing these words & upcoming newsletters to hopefully encourage & spark a light within you.

Some learnings & thoughts✌🏼

I came across the concept of Ikigai when reading the book The Japanese Secret to a Long & Happy Life by Hector Garcia (highly recommend). It’s a concept that the Japanese use to describe finding purpose in life and having a healthy body & mind. I won’t ramble too much about it but it’s about pin-pointing your ideal purpose by thinking about:

  1. What you love

  2. What the world needs

  3. What you can be paid for

  4. What you’re good at

Illustration by Marc Winn

Question for you đź’­

What does living a life in ease mean to you?

Think about what makes you happy, what brings you comfort & what motivates you. Hold onto whatever this is - write it down, put it in your notes. You’re one step closer to living your life at ease.

Till next week, Dave ✌🏽🌎